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How will You Keep Your DOD Contacts?

How will You Keep Your DOD Contacts?

Prioritizing the security of your company’s network is an essential practice when it comes to remaining as productive as possible. Unfortunately, failure to do so could easily result in a large number of legal complications.


When it comes to firewall security, you may be surprised to learn this type of protection can expire. Let’s take a deeper look at what you need to know.


When Does Firewall Security Expire?


As time goes on, cybercriminals develop more advanced tools to procure sensitive data. As a result, the firewall protection you implement can quickly become outdated if you aren’t regularly updating it.


To clarify, even a firewall defense that uses relatively contemporary safeguards can become highly inefficient as hackers begin to use new types of malware.


In fact, a firewall that looks notably strong on paper may not accomplish its task appropriately.


However, to answer the above question, firewall security can be considered expired when it no longer receives regular patches, updates, and other similar services.


What Are the Risks?


As you might assume, the most significant risk of having your firewall security expire comes from failing to protect sensitive information adequately.


Depending on the industry you work in, this often includes data that should never fall into the wrong hands (such as medical patient info).


Additionally, you run the risk of hackers procuring trade secrets that they can then sell to other companies within your industry. In many scenarios, a situation like this is complicated to recover from for any business.


What Should I Look For in a Provider?


The ideal provider to work with implements a renewal policy. In practice, this will allow you to continually renew your firewall service automatically so that you can ensure you are always protected.


This firewall service often includes frequent threat detection updates and new firmware implementation.


Additionally, the provider you work with should also have some form of continual customer support for your firewall service. This level of customer support means that you should be able to quickly get in touch with your service provider with questions or concerns.


While it isn’t always practical to assume that your provider will offer 24/7 customer service, many provide round-the-clock service 365 days a year.

You should also take a look at their past reviews. You’ll gain insight into whether or not you can expect to receive the level of service you are looking for for your business.


Maintaining Proper Firewall Security Is Crucial


You must take the necessary steps to maintain firewall security properly. From here, you’ll have no issue ensuring that your firewall security is as protective as possible over the sensitive data in your organization.


Want to learn more about what Black Bottle IT has to offer your business? Feel free to reach out to us today and see how we can help. 



When Firewall Security Expires

When Firewall Security Expires

Prioritizing the security of your company’s network is an essential practice when it comes to remaining as productive as possible. Unfortunately, failure to do so could easily result in a large number of legal complications.


When it comes to firewall security, you may be surprised to learn this type of protection can expire. Let’s take a deeper look at what you need to know.


When Does Firewall Security Expire?


As time goes on, cybercriminals develop more advanced tools to procure sensitive data. As a result, the firewall protection you implement can quickly become outdated if you aren’t regularly updating it.


To clarify, even a firewall defense that uses relatively contemporary safeguards can become highly inefficient as hackers begin to use new types of malware.


In fact, a firewall that looks notably strong on paper may not accomplish its task appropriately.


However, to answer the above question, firewall security can be considered expired when it no longer receives regular patches, updates, and other similar services.


What Are the Risks?


As you might assume, the most significant risk of having your firewall security expire comes from failing to protect sensitive information adequately.


Depending on the industry you work in, this often includes data that should never fall into the wrong hands (such as medical patient info).


Additionally, you run the risk of hackers procuring trade secrets that they can then sell to other companies within your industry. In many scenarios, a situation like this is complicated to recover from for any business.


What Should I Look For in a Provider?


The ideal provider to work with implements a renewal policy. In practice, this will allow you to continually renew your firewall service automatically so that you can ensure you are always protected.


This firewall service often includes frequent threat detection updates and new firmware implementation.


Additionally, the provider you work with should also have some form of continual customer support for your firewall service. This level of customer support means that you should be able to quickly get in touch with your service provider with questions or concerns.


While it isn’t always practical to assume that your provider will offer 24/7 customer service, many provide round-the-clock service 365 days a year.

You should also take a look at their past reviews. You’ll gain insight into whether or not you can expect to receive the level of service you are looking for for your business.


Maintaining Proper Firewall Security Is Crucial


You must take the necessary steps to maintain firewall security properly. From here, you’ll have no issue ensuring that your firewall security is as protective as possible over the sensitive data in your organization.


Want to learn more about what Black Bottle IT has to offer your business? Feel free to reach out to us today and see how we can help. 


Computer Forensics: Stopping Malicious Malware in Its Tracks

Computer Forensics: Stopping Malicious Malware in Its Tracks

Cyberattacks are currently rated as the fastest growing area of crime. They unleash protected data, harm reputations, and create monetary crises.

The Information Systems Audit and Control Association issued a financial impact report. They project that global cybercrime will cost $6 trillion during 2021.

Using computer forensics measures can save your business. Keep reading to find out more about fighting cyberattacks.


Overview of Computer Forensics


Computer forensics uses scientific methods and knowledge to find and analyze evidence. Experts identify “crime scenes”, block criminal activity, and look for perpetrators. It combines computer science and law to collect evidence for court.


In the past, cyber forensics used “dead-box” analysis. Today, new methods have emerged using “live-box” examination. This collects vital evidence from the RAM or volatile memory.


How Digital Forensics Fights Cyberattacks


There are few things that bring a business to a standstill faster than a security breach. The disconcerting truth is that, on average, the company doesn’t discover a problem for 197 days. Then it takes about 69 days to contain the threat.


Computer forensics works to defend against, identify, and stop computer hackers. The following describes each part of the process.


Malware Detection


When there’s suspicion of malware, an analyst starts by write-protecting the drive. They examine the data as an image that’s loaded into forensics software. The goal is to find evidence of malicious activity and/or detect malware.


Often, they first check download folders, document folders, and the desktop. They’re looking for unauthorized executable files stored in these areas. The analyst also searches for DLLs in Windows systems and browsing histories.


High-threat actors often camouflage themselves. This means that investigators must dig deeper into registry keys.

They also look at other global and application-specific settings. Hackers may load injected libraries, redirect DNS queries, and load binary images to the “pointer”.


Malware Blocking


Computer forensic analysts use a “write-blocker” device when they’re examining drives. This only allows them to read commands but block writing any commands. The purpose is to preserve the drive content’s evidence.


If the analyst accidentally changed the image, the evidence becomes dismissible in court. The legal term describing this situation is “spoliation”.




Often, digital forensic analysts use a method called sandboxing. This looks at the malware’s behavior, finds outbound connections, and registry changes. hey check for processes running in the background and the download of other payloads.


Powerful sandbox systems limit system failures and the spread of software vulnerabilities. This is done while watching how the software behaves.

Once found, the forensic team can use the sandbox to “explode” the malware. They can also run the malware inside an isolated environment. This lets them document evidence of its behavior and identifies the specific malware.


The sandboxing process generates a detailed report describing the malware’s operation. It includes suspicious indicators, network traffic analysis, and screenshots showing the malware running. The investigator can then develop further leads to pursue.


Are You Concerned About Your Business’s Cybersecurity?


Today, every business must take action to protect itself against cyberattacks. Computer forensics is providing vital data to fight these criminals.

At Black Bottle IT, we believe in excellence, transparency, innovation, and commitment. We know that each business has unique needs. Thus, we approach every new client with fresh energy and inspiration.


Our goal is to provide you with the best comprehensive security and IT services. We offer solutions for remote, hybrid, and full-time work environments.

Click here today to connect with us or to get help if you’re experiencing a breach.


Cloud Platforms Aid Businesses in Scalability and Mobility

Cloud Platforms Aid Businesses in Scalability and Mobility

About 94% of businesses already use a Cloud service, and 35% of those who do not are projected to implement these frameworks in 2021. This means that you will need to invest in the benefits of Cloud computing if you want to remain ahead of your competitors.

But what are the benefits of using the Cloud, exactly? Read on to learn some of the biggest advantages.


Makes Your Business More Scalable

First and foremost, using the Cloud makes your business significantly more scaleable than it otherwise would be. You can increase your workload with existing hardware extremely easily because the information is stored over an online network. You do not need to purchase more hardware for storage when your business inevitably expands.


Virtualization means that you can have unlimited resources that can be scaled up or down depending on the direction that your business operations are moving. You can also use the Cloud to move applications and workloads to different servers or host them on many different servers at once.

This means greater flexibility for your business. Your growth can be much more stable and long-term than it would be with a hardware-based system.


Using the Cloud Means Flexible Access

Currently, about 50% of people use the internet on their mobile devices more often than on computers. By 2025, it’s estimated that about 72.6% of people will be accessing the web exclusively from Smartphones. Cloud storage supports this shift because people can access the information stored on it from any device at any time.

This means that people can get their work information on their Smartphones, tablets, and desktops if they need to work remotely. It also means that they have greater access to data and applications that speed up work-related processes so they don’t need to improvise less useful solutions when working on the go.


Convenience and Instant Backups

Fully managed IT solutions give you unlimited Cloud storage, but they also give you unlimited backups and maintenance. You therefore won’t need to invest time and energy in performing backups and upgrades. They will be completed for you- all you will need to do is research and learn about the upgrades, which you can always ask our experts about.


This will let you create a consistent tech budget and boost your productivity. You will not have as high of IT operating costs as you otherwise would and therefore can invest more money into marketing efforts and core products.


Cloud storage solutions also have great disaster recovery solutions to ensure that you do not lose information to hackers, malware, or user mistakes. This is used in conjunction with a well-encrypted security framework. You will not need to worry about security when you choose to work with us because we are well versed in data safety and protection.


Get Started With Cloud Services Today

Now that you know some of the main benefits of using the Cloud to boost your business, it’s time to start upgrading your online scalability and mobility. Contact us to discuss the top Cloud performing services on the market. Our experts are happy to assist you with all of your data storage and use needs so that you can keep your information safe.


On this page, you also can obtain a month of free no-obligations managed IT services at the click of a button. We look forward to working with you!






What Is Ransomware and Why Is It a Top Concern for Small Businesses?

What Is Ransomware and Why Is It a Top Concern for Small Businesses?

To protect your business tech, you need to be up to date on all potential breaches. There are Trojan horses, phishing attacks, and several other cybersecurity threats that individuals and businesses deal with regularly.


However, ransomware deserves special attention because these attacks are rising in popularity. Recently, ransomware attacks rose by 37% in the span of a single calendar year. 


But what is ransomware, and how is it dangerous to your business? Below we’ll touch on those questions and more. 


What is Ransomware?


Ransomware is a type of cyber breach that gets access to your business’ network and gains control while locking you out of it. These attacks vary in severity because it can overtake a device or your entire infrastructure. 


When a ransomware attack happens, you’ll get a message that will demand payment if you want to regain access to your data or prevent the hackers from publishing it on the web. These attacks happen in a lot of ways but usually take place when someone clicks a file that is disguised as a legitimate attachment

What Are the Dangers of Ransomware?


Ransomware is one of the most dangerous security breaches that your business can encounter right now. Here are some of the reasons that you should protect against it at all costs:


1. It Locks You and Your Employees Out of Your Work Devices


Imagine your business coming to a screeching halt. That’s what happens when ransomware attacks breach your system. 

Your most sensitive data is compromised, and this can extend to individual work computers and mobile devices across your entire network. 


2. Businesses Are Being Targeted Heavily Right Now


Hackers today are licking their chops when targeting small businesses. They know that companies are desperate to keep their doors open and often ill-equipped to prevent or counteract a ransomware attack. 


Even the federal government was concerned about ransomware attacks affecting the 2020 election leading up to it. These attacks can cripple your entire infrastructure, which is why they should be avoided at all costs. 


3. The Cost of Downtime and Other Factors is Extraordinary 


Your costs will add up whenever you have a ransomware attack. It’s not just the money that you spend on your cyber protection — you’ll also have to deal with the lost revenue that happens with downtime. 


The true cost that your business will face is virtually incalculable because it can also hurt your brand’s reputation. Your customers trust you and need to know that their data is safe when they choose to give you their business. 


Get the Ransomware Protection That You Need


So the next time you ask yourself, “What is ransomware?”, you can use the points above as a reference point. 


When you need ironclad protection against ransomware and anything else that can threaten your business, make sure you Black Bottle It. We’re the best at what we do and would be happy to be the first and last line of defense for your company’s Information Technology (IT) needs. 


We’re ready when you are. E-mail us, use our online contact form, or call our breach hotline at (800)214-0957.